Dark Energy Survey (DES)


This guide has not been inspected or endorsed by the DES collaboration.

Here, we we will show how to cross-correlate BOSS lens galaxies with shape catalogs from DES. We will work with the Y3 data release. Check out the documentation of dsigma v0.6 if you want to see how to reduce DES Y1 data.

Downloading the Data

DES Y3 data can be downloaded here. The following command should download all the necessary data.

wget https://desdr-server.ncsa.illinois.edu/despublic/y3a2_files/y3kp_cats/DESY3_sompz_v0.40.h5
wget https://desdr-server.ncsa.illinois.edu/despublic/y3a2_files/y3kp_cats/DESY3_metacal_v03-004.h5
wget https://desdr-server.ncsa.illinois.edu/despublic/y3a2_files/y3kp_cats/DESY3_indexcat.h5

Unfortunately, the total amount of data is very large, i.e. hundreds of GBytes. We can use the following script first to reduce the data and only save what we need for the galaxy-galaxy lensing calculation.

import h5py
import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Table

table_s = Table()

fstream = h5py.File('DESY3_sompz_v0.40.h5')
table_s['bhat'] = fstream['catalog/sompz/unsheared/bhat'][()]

fstream = h5py.File('DESY3_metacal_v03-004.h5')

for key in ['ra', 'dec', 'e_1', 'e_2', 'R11', 'R12', 'R21', 'R22', 'weight']:
    table_s[key] = fstream['catalog/unsheared/' + key][()]

for sheared in ['1m', '1p', '2m', '2p']:
    table_s['weight_{}'.format(sheared)] = fstream[


fstream = h5py.File('DESY3_indexcat.h5')

for flag in ['select', 'select_1p', 'select_1m', 'select_2p', 'select_2m']:
    table_s['flags_' + flag] = np.zeros(len(table_s), dtype=bool)
    table_s['flags_' + flag][fstream['index/' + flag][()]] = True

select = (table_s['flags_select'] | table_s['flags_select_1p'] |
          table_s['flags_select_1m'] | table_s['flags_select_2p'] |
          table_s['flags_select_2m']) & (table_s['bhat'] >= 0)
table_s = table_s[select]

select = (table_s['ra'] < 60) | (table_s['ra'] > 300)
select &= table_s['dec'] > -22.5
table_s = table_s[select]
table_s.write('des_y3.hdf5', path='catalog', overwrite=True)

table_n = Table.read(
    '2pt_NG_final_2ptunblind_02_26_21_wnz_maglim_covupdate.fits', hdu=6)
table_n.rename_column('Z_MID', 'z')
table_n['n'] = np.vstack([table_n['BIN{}'.format(i + 1)] for i in range(4)]).T
table_n.keep_columns(['z', 'n'])
table_n.write('des_y3.hdf5', path='redshift', overwrite=True, append=True)

The final file, des_y3.hdf5, is also available from the dsigma authors upon request.

Preparing the Data

First, we must put the data into a format easily understandable by dsigma. There are several helper functions to make this easy. Additionally, we want to use the \(n(z)\)’s provided by DES Y3 to correct for photometric redshift biases.

In an intermediate step, we also calculate the so-called METACALIBRATION selection response. This factor takes into account how the selection flags of the METACALIBRATION shape measurements used by DES might be biased by shear itself. We need to correct such a bias in order to get unbiased shear and \(\Delta\Sigma\) measurements. See Sheldon & Huff (2017) and McClintock et al. (2018) for details. We will added this response to the total METACALIBRATION response that also takes into account how the measured shear is biased with respect to the intrinsic shear. Ideally, one would calculate the selection response for each radial bin and each specific lens sample (because this affects the source weighting). Additionally, one could also fold in how artificial shear affects the METACALIBRATION redshifts. However, as we can see above, the selection response bias is likely very small and not a strong function of redshift. Thus, we will ignore this complication here (cf. McClintock et al. 2018).

After running this selection response calculation, we are ready to drop all galaxies that are flagged for the unsheared images (and also those galaxies that fall outside the redshift bins).

table_s = Table.read('des_y3.hdf5', path='catalog')
table_s = dsigma_table(table_s, 'source', survey='DES')

for z_bin in range(4):
    select = table_s['z_bin'] == z_bin
    R_sel = des.selection_response(table_s[select])
    print("Bin {}: R_sel = {:.1f}%".format(
        z_bin + 1, 100 * 0.5 * np.sum(np.diag(R_sel))))
    table_s['R_11'][select] += 0.5 * np.sum(np.diag(R_sel))
    table_s['R_22'][select] += 0.5 * np.sum(np.diag(R_sel))

table_s = table_s[table_s['z_bin'] >= 0]
table_s = table_s[table_s['flags_select']]
table_s['m'] = des.multiplicative_shear_bias(
    table_s['z_bin'], version='Y3')

table_n = Table.read('des_y3.hdf5', path='redshift')

Precomputing the Signal

We will now run the computationally expensive precomputation phase. Here, we first define the lens-source separation cuts. We require that \(z_l + 0.1 < z_{t, \rm low}\) where \(z_{t, \rm low}\) is the lower redshift bin edge of the tomographic bin (Myles et al., 2021) each source galaxy belongs to. Afterward, we run the actual precomputation.

from astropy.cosmology import Planck15
from dsigma.precompute import precompute

table_s['z'] = np.array([0.0, 0.358, 0.631, 0.872])[table_s['z_bin']]

rp_bins = np.logspace(-1, 1.6, 14)
precompute(table_l, table_s, rp_bins, cosmology=Planck15, comoving=True,
           table_c=table_c, lens_source_cut=0.1, progress_bar=True)
precompute(table_r, table_s, rp_bins, cosmology=Planck15, comoving=True,
           table_c=table_c, lens_source_cut=0.1, progress_bar=True)

Stacking the Signal

The total galaxy-galaxy lensing signal can be obtained with the following code. It first filters out all BOSS galaxies for which we couldn’t find any source galaxy nearby. Then we divide it into jackknife samples that we will later use to estimate uncertainties. Finally, we stack the lensing signal in 4 different BOSS redshift bins and save the data.

We choose to include all the necessary corrections factors. In addition to the matrix shear response correction (METACALIBRATION), we perform a random subtraction which is highly recommended but not strictly necessary. Note that we don’t apply a boost correction since this might be biased for DES given our boost estimator.

from dsigma.jackknife import compute_jackknife_fields, jackknife_resampling
from dsigma.stacking import excess_surface_density

# Drop all lenses and randoms that did not have any nearby source.
table_l = table_l[np.sum(table_l['sum 1'], axis=1) > 0]
table_r = table_r[np.sum(table_r['sum 1'], axis=1) > 0]

centers = compute_jackknife_fields(
    table_l, 100, weights=np.sum(table_l['sum 1'], axis=1))
compute_jackknife_fields(table_r, centers)

z_bins = np.array([0.15, 0.31, 0.43, 0.54, 0.70])

for lens_bin in range(3, len(z_bins) - 1):
    mask_l = ((z_bins[lens_bin] <= table_l['z']) &
              (table_l['z'] < z_bins[lens_bin + 1]))
    mask_r = ((z_bins[lens_bin] <= table_r['z']) &
              (table_r['z'] < z_bins[lens_bin + 1]))

    kwargs = {'return_table': True, 'photo_z_dilution_correction': True,
              'matrix_shear_response_correction': True,
              'random_subtraction': True, 'table_r': table_r[mask_r]}

    result = excess_surface_density(table_l[mask_l], **kwargs)
    kwargs['return_table'] = False
    result['ds_err'] = np.sqrt(np.diag(jackknife_resampling(
        excess_surface_density, table_l[mask_l], **kwargs)))

    result.write('des_{}.csv'.format(lens_bin), overwrite=True)


When using the above data and algorithms, please to read and follow the acknowledgement section on the DES Y3 data release site.